What is Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a popular procedure that countless individuals choose to achieve whiter teeth. This non-invasive dental procedure is straightforward and performed in a dental office by a professional. A teeth whitening procedure uses a particular type of tooth bleaching agent to help neutralize the appearance of stains on teeth, resulting in a whiter, brighter appearance. There are multiple teeth whitening methods readily available with both over-the-counter options created for home use along with home whitening bleaching products designed to mimic the in-office procedure. As with any cosmetic solution, for the most effective results, choosing a professional whitening treatment done in-office is the best choice.

Why People Consider Teeth Whitening

For most people, the trajectory to teeth staining begins with tooth enamel. As we eat and chew foods, a thin coating begins to form on the enamel layer called a pellicle. While undetectable during the eating process, this coating attracts various food stains. These surface stains are then absorbed by the porous enamel which stores those stains in place. Over time, the constant process of eating will cause teeth to become stained. While it’s unlikely to avoid teeth staining altogether, certain foods and situations exacerbate the process. The main food and beverage

culprits are, of course, dark-colored liquids like coffee and red wine. It’s

extremely common for regular coffee drinkers to seek and use tooth whitening

solutions on an ongoing basis. Certain lifestyle behaviors like smoking,

chewing tobacco, and poor dental maintenance can contribute to more escalated

teeth staining. There are also those circumstances that are beyond our control

which can lead to severe teeth staining like trauma due to injury, certain

antibiotics used to treat chronic illness, and the body's natural aging process.

Teeth Whitening Procedure & Methods

For teeth whitening Services one main goal that is to whiten teeth

to a more aesthetically pleasing shade. A typical in-office bleaching procedure

with a cosmetic dentistry professional consists of using a light-activated

bleaching agent to whiten teeth approximately 7 shades lighter. While teeth

whitening can produce dramatic effects, the process is relatively simple and

quick. Most in-office whitening procedures are done in under an hour and require no additional time in-office or subsequent touch-up procedures.

Types of Teeth Whitening Methods

For in-office teeth whitening procedures, dentists typically use three main methods: hydrogen peroxide gel, bleaching, and laser whitening.

Hydrogen Peroxide Gel Teeth Whitening:

During the hydrogen peroxide gel teeth whitening process, a gel containing a

15% or 25% concentration of hydrogen peroxide acts as the bleaching agent. The

first step in this teeth whitening procedure involves placing a retractor inside

the mouth to fully expose the teeth. A hardening resin is then applied to the

gums to prevent irritation from the hydrogen peroxide gel. The whitening gel is

then applied and activated by a low heat, ultraviolet blue light. After twenty

minutes, the bleaching gel is removed, the whitening process checked, and then

reapplied. This process is repeated twice more before the retractor is removed and the teeth whitening process is complete.

Deep Bleaching: The deep bleaching teeth whitening

method uses a combination of an in-office procedure and an at-home process to

restore brighter teeth. For this teeth whitening process, the in-office

the procedure follows the same process using hydrogen peroxide gel as a whitening
solution. However, trays are customized to fit individual teeth and a second visit along with continued use of the trays over two weeks is required to reach the desired shade of white. This teeth whitening procedure is typically

reserved for people who are dealing with more stubborn stains or those caused by more serious conditions.

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Laser Whitening: This teeth whitening method is the

fastest and also the most expensive. Like the previous teeth whitening methods

mentioned, a bleaching agent is applied to the teeth. Instead of ultraviolet

light activation, a laser is used. The immensely accurate precision of a laser

activates the bleaching agent on each tooth for 30 seconds. This allows for a complete teeth whitening treatment in 30 minutes.

