Teeth Whitening Or Dental Veneers?

Which procedure to improve your smile?

Many people consider having beautiful, healthy teeth just as important as having nice teeth. Our Sacramento team can assist you in keeping your dental health in the best shape by seeing you for regular checkups. Dr. Monica Crooks, D.D.S. also offers you a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services for improving your smile.

The most common cosmetic issue Essex residents have is dull or discolored teeth. Different treatments may be required depending on the situation since they can range from mildly discolored to heavily stained. Today we will examine the two main treatments used to improve teeth like these and discuss which may be right for you.

Teeth whitening procedure

The best time to whiten your teeth is usually when your discoloration is mild to moderate. Your teeth can also be whitened if they are dull from your age and some light stains can be removed this way.

Treatment is completely non-invasive and can be repeated many times without damaging your teeth. Teeth whitening is done at home while you read or watch TV using a teeth whitening system. The whitening ingredient is placed in trays, which are then worn over your teeth for a short period of time each day. The time may vary from person to person depending on your needs. You will receive full instructions regarding this. To ensure a comfortable fit and prevent leaking of the whitening ingredient, we take impressions of your teeth to make the trays.

Our dental clinic can also offer a 'top up' after your treatment for those who wish to have the 'whitest of white' smiles, as seen on many celebrities. We are confident that you will be pleased with the results of using the trays, but if you want just a little extra whiteness, we can help!

Dental veneers

When you consider how well the above treatment whitens your teeth, you might wonder why veneers would be used since this requires invasive dentistry to prepare before they can be fitted.

Teeth whitening is likely to improve the whiteness of all teeth, however heavily stained teeth may not see the results that you had hoped for. Heavy smokers or people who consume a lot of staining products might have teeth that fall into this category. Veneers help to mask visible faults such as small chips or cracks that are still present after whitening. The following are some of the most common reasons for recommending porcelain dental veneers at our popular practice in Sacramento.

Usually, under local anesthetic, a burr is used to remove a thin layer of enamel from teeth before veneers can be fitted. In order to prepare the veneers, we take impressions of the teeth, which are sent to a laboratory. You will be provided with temporary veneers during this time to protect your teeth while this process takes place.

Once the new veneers arrive back at Dr. Monica Crooks, D.D.S Dental, we will contact you so that we can complete the treatment. To do this, we will, first of all, remove the temporary veneers and clean away any residual adhesive. The new veneers will then be attached to teeth using a strong clinical adhesive which will hold them securely in place. We will then trim and polish the veneers to make them look entirely natural.

Once this treatment is complete, providing that you look after them correctly, your new veneers should help you have a great-looking smile for around ten years or so.

Achieving a great-looking new smile shouldn’t be taken lightly and we strongly recommend that you avoid any DIY dental suggestions that you might see online. Some of these are very dangerous for your teeth and gums. To get the smile that you are looking for and to keep your oral health in good shape, you should always seek the advice of an experienced cosmetic dentist.

If you would like to discuss a smile improvement with one of our experienced Monica Crooks team, please call us to arrange an initial consultation at (916) 922-2027
