Dental Bonding - Cosmetic Dental Bonding Treatment In Sacramento


Dental bonding is a treatment in which a tooth-colored resin substance (a durable plastic material) is applied and cured with specific light, resulting in the material "bonding" to the tooth and restoring or improving a person's smile.

Teeth bonding is a possibility worth considering:

  • In order to restore decaying teeth (composite resins are used to fill cavities)

  • To restore teeth that have been chipped or cracked

  • To make stained teeth appear whiter

  • to fill gaps between teeth

  • to make teeth appear longer

  • to alter the contour of one's teeth

  • As a cosmetic replacement for amalgam fillings

  • To safeguard a piece of the tooth's root that has become exposed as the gums recede 

Dr. Monica Crooks' office in Sacramento offers same-day crowns, dental implants, dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and more.

Dr. Monica specializes in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and is a preferred dental bonding dentist in Sacramento who attempts to make each patient's appointment a positive experience. 

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